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    INCLEMENT WEATHER COMING? Winter Dumpster Rental Tips
    a snowy yard with a shed and trees in the background .

    Inclement weather in Virginia, such as rain, snow or sleet, can pose challenges to managing your dumpster, whether it’s sitting on a driveway or scheduled to be delivered that day. Taking a few extra precautionary steps can save you time, money.


    Make sure that the area you have designated for your dumpster to be placed is clear and easy for the driver to get to. When possible, we recommend choosing the driveway or another hard surface for the placement of your dumpster. Avoid placing the dumpster in the yard because your yard or lawn will almost certainly be damaged by the dumpster and our trucks.

    Whether your dumpster is located in a driveway or on a construction job site, there will likely be frequent trips back and forth to your dumpster – and you’ll want to avoid any accidents. In the event of snow or ice:

    1. Clear the snow away from the area designated for the dumpster to be placed, in order to avoid any issues with delivery; this is also as a safety precaution for your project as well as our driver.
    2. Consider Applying snow and ice melt product to avoid ice freezing over.
    3. Avoid placing the dumpster in the yard . During wet weather, heavy truck tires and dumpster containers can ruin a lawn.


    The same rules for delivering your dumpster apply to pickups too. Clear the area around the dumpsters of any snow accumulation or debris and apply snow and ice melt product to prevent ice and hazardous conditions.


    It may be a tedious task to cover your dumpster, but there are many benefits of doing so:

    1. Covering your dumpster will help you stay within your dumpster’s weight limit and avoid extra charges . Saturated garbage weighs more than dry garbage, and this can quickly surpass your weight limit.
    2. Covering your dumpster will keep your dumpster DRY. The dryer your dumpster, the fewer odors you’ll have.
    3. In addition, avoiding water in your dumpster will help prevent messes at the landfill and reduce the environment footprint of polluted water runoff

    During periods of inclement weather or unfavorable conditions, traffic conditions , local landfill or transfer station delays, etc.. there may be times when your delivery/pickup time may be delayed due to the inclement weather


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